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Hands-on CPR Event at Downtown Santa Ana Farmer's Market By: Jesse F. Franco


Rain, wind, and more rain didn’t stop our amazing student nurse volunteers from helping to educate the public on how to save a life with CPR hands only compressions. Representatives from all semesters showed up and were eager to help! Demonstrating proper hand placement and depth and rate of CPR compressions was second nature to our amazing Santa Ana College student nurses. I’m glad to say we successfully taught many parents and their children about CPR. Participants were taught in both English and Spanish! 

Among those talented nursing students who volunteered for the event were members from the Santa Ana College Student Nurses’ Association (SACSNA) Board of Directors (BOD). Those members were Paola Molina (CNSA Liaison), Marisol Chavez (Vice President), and Jesse Franco (Community Outreach). We were also so lucky to have Magdalena “Maggie” Lopez 2nd semester nursing student join us as well! Not only did she help to educate the public, but was also able to teach her toddler to do CPR compressions! First semester student Catherine Colaianni was also in attendance.

Even though it got cold, the atmosphere was warm and friendly. Music artist Mr. Vic, who was playing beautifully, was so kind to announce the SACSNA event during his set. The volunteers were also treated to Southern style chicken and garlic fries from a vendor who specialized in a delicious Vegan Gumbo. Several volunteers also participated in yoga exercises right in the middle of the DTSA Farmer’s Market.

We couldn’t have done this event without the help of many people. Special thanks to Marklem Valdovinos (Regional Director, Multicultural Initiatives) from American Heart Association (AHA) for lending us the equipment needed to put on the event. Thank you to Santa Ana College’s Charlie Wright (Interim Dean, Kinesiology) for getting us the mats we used. Thank you to Nursing Professor Brian Schroeder for kindly lending us your tent. DTSA Farmer’s Market Sonora Ortiz (Market Manager), thank you so much for letting us come by and do our thing.  

By: Jesse F. Franco

Community Outreach Director

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